Feb 4, 2014

FMEA- Failure Mode effect Analysis

FMEA- Failure Mode Effect Analysis. 
The technique is to analyze the effect of failure modes in a process or design . FMEA is the Analytical tool in a structured way to identify and evaluate Failure modes.
FMEA is Developed by Reliability Engineers in 1950 to study the problems that might arise from th malfunctioning of militory system. The Technique FMEA is the predetermination of Potential Failure modes in process / product for improvement in Reliability, Quality and Safety.
Application of FMEA in : Process, Design, Concept, Equipment, Service.....
Mainly 3 types of FMEA exist :
1. Process FMEA- Analysis of potential Failure mode in a process prior to
                               start process or production.
2. Design FMEA- Analysis of potential Failure modes at Design stage prior to
                              approval and finalization of design.
3. Concept FMEA- Analyze the concepts for systems in early stage.

Terminology in FMEA:
Failure Modes:  It Describe the way the failure occures, Clearly describe the
                            failure state of the item or function.
Failure causes:  the Cause / sequence of causes that initiates the
                            mechanismthat leads to failure over a certain period of time.
Failure Effect:  Consequence of the failure on functionality or requirement.
Severity         :  Impact of the Failure Modes. Rating given in 1 to 10 nos.
                          (1 indicates No impact / least safety concern and 10 is most
                          danger concern).
Occurence    :  Chance of happening of Failure.(1= Lowest,10=highest occurence).
Detection      : Chance of Detection of Failure.   (1= Heighest, 10=Lowest Detection).  
RPN No.        :  Multiplication of Severity, Occurence and Detection.

1. Process FMEA -This type is typically used in Production / process
                                This is the part of Quality assurance part.
                                It Helps to establish :
                                    1. The Impact of the Failure
                                    2. Identify and prioritize the actions
1. Improves design by discovering unanticipated failures.
2. Highlights the impact of the failures.
3. Potentially helpful during legal actions.
4. Provides a method to characterize product safety.

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Ma Mogal madi, મોગલ માડી

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